We offer straightforward and easy-to-navigate Websites
that promote your Organization, Product, or Personal Message

If this is your first web site, we can help ease you through the process of producing an effective and professional, yet creative look.

If you already have an existing site, we can assist in enhancing the look and make it more engaging.

Not everyone needs a flashy, complicated, and expensive web site. Our main goal is to make your site attractive and easily navigable, all while keeping your costs under control.

We can help you through the myriad of factors, from getting started...to search engine submission, and most importantly help promote you...and your business over the Internet.

Assorted Client Portfolio Screenshots:

These screen shots are websites that I've created, some of which are currently live; were at one time for the duration of their event in the past; or have since been revised and/or maintaned by the individual client. They're either linked to a currently operating website or to an enlarged photo to show page detail.

Some are basic as per the client's request for simplicity. Some carry a similar design theme used to help with promoting their brand.

Susan Ivankovich
P.O. Box 1536 * Doylestown, PA 18901 * 215-348-9868

E-Mail: [email protected] * Web Site: www.susanivankovich.com